Social-Emotional Learning

Trauma-Informed Practices: An Overview of Trauma on Youth (IU8-29)

Research suggests that nearly a quarter of students have witnessed violence in their homes, schools, and communities in the past year. Also, two-fifths of children aged 17 and younger witness violence at some point in their lifetime. As integral individuals in the lives of the children we serve each day, it is important that we understand trauma and its impact on our youth, families, and ourselves. As a result of this learning path, you will be able to recognize the signs of trauma in students, recognize the signs of the impact of secondary trauma on school employees, and explore a myriad of resources and best practices regarding trauma-informed approaches that should be considered across a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support.

Please note: This course is designed as a 5-hour learning experience.

Course Author: Dr. Megan Horsh and Mark DeRubeis

  • Welcome! (1 min)
  • Make the Most of Your Learning Experience (4 mins)
  • Let's Discuss Our Expectations (5 mins)
  • Module 1: Trauma Definition, Prevalence and Effects
  • What is Trauma? (3 mins)
  • Reflection (5 mins)
  • Trauma is a Subjective Experience (3 mins)
  • Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) (2 min)
  • Types of ACEs (2 mins)
  • Study Results (3 mins)
  • Reflection on Results (5 mins)
  • Trauma Overwhelms (2 mins)
  • Trauma's Effect on Students (5 mins)
  • Video (6 mins)
  • Module 2: The Effects of Trauma and Stress on Brain Development
  • Pre-Test (5 mins)
  • The Developing Brain (2 mins)
  • Impact of ACEs on the Developing Brain (18 mins)
  • Understanding the "FFFR" (2 mins)
  • Video (5 mins)
  • The Impact of Trauma and Stress on Brain Functionality and Performance (2 mins)
  • Learning Brain vs. Survival Brain (5 mins)
  • Module Reflection (5 mins)
  • Post Test (6 mins)
  • How Can Trauma Affect the Brain? (5 mins)
  • Trauma and the Brain: Understanding Abuse Survivors' Responses (9 mins)
  • Module 3: Trauma-Informed Practices
  • Trauma-Informed Practices are for All (2 min)
  • Best Practices are Trauma-Informed (2 min)
  • Classroom Practices Crosswalk (5 mins)
  • Reflection (5 mins)
  • Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Areas (2 min)
  • Getting Started Video (5 mins)
  • 6 Principles of Trauma-Informed Practice (4 mins)
  • Lesson Review (5 mins)
  • Trauma and Relationships (2 min)
  • Relationships are Important (5 mins)
  • How Do You Relate? (5 mins)
  • Module 4: Self-Care
  • Video: Self-Care (3 mins)
  • What is the Message? (4 mins)
  • Fatigue, Burnout and Secondary Trauma Prevention Through Self-Care (5 mins)
  • Self-Care Action Planning: Part 1 (5 mins)
  • Self-Care Action Planning: Part 2 (5 mins)
  • Professional Quality of Life Scale (2 mins)
  • Self-Assessment (2 mins)
  • Classroom Practices Crosswalk Document for Reference (2 mins)
  • Share Your Feedback (clone)
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever